Minggu, 19 September 2010

FW: Seo : link exchange to get traffic for your website

FW: From: uungdmc@gmail.com

Link exchanges are a controversial topic in search engine optimization that produces a lot of discussion in SEO forums. A descriptive title for your website, not necessarily your domain name but the name you are branding your site with. Search engines want to display the most relevant search results with the most important websites ranked first. Link exchanges have been used by webmasters for years as a means of direct marketing. Webmasters look for ways to get a higher ranking with search engines and increasing traffic to their website every day.
Never post your website links to FFA, Guestbook, or other unrelated areas. Search Engines especially Google place great stock by the incoming links that a website has. It is unnatural for online businesses to get thousands of value business partners daily. A few good manners go a long, long way - an old concept but very applicable to modern Internet marketing and web site promotion strategies. There are those who think that anything that sends traffic away from your website is just not a good idea. One is through direct links, and the other is by increasing your page rank for SEO purposes.
Google was the first search engine to determine the most relevant pages according to the relationships between websites. Most probably you already know that getting real dough with an online biz is something you can't do without gaining solid search engine rankings for your website. Link Exchange is a very important aspect of SEO and a vital source of getting targeted traffic. Link Exchanges have been used since the beginning of the internet as a way of gaining popularity in the eyes of the major search engines. When making your list of potential sites to exchange links with, go back through the sites and look for attributes that you do not want to be associated with. The black days of link exchange started when someone invented the strategy to automatically surf the net. Most webmasters do not li


Jumat, 17 September 2010


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Membuat menu horizontal dengan opera mini

Membuat Menu Horizontal http://www.mr-rivan.co.cc/2010/05/membuat-menu-horizontal-dengan-mudah.html MEMBUAT MENU http://www.mr-rivan.co.cc/2010/05/sebelumnya-kita-pernah-membahas-tentang.html membuat menu horisontal http://sinyalhp.com/info/membuat-menu-horisontal-dengan-animasi.html tips cara membuat menu http://sinyalhp.com/info/tips-cara-membuat-menu-horizontal-dropdown.html Membuat Menu Horizontal dengan http://nurad1k.blogspot.com/2010/03/membuat-sub-menu-vertikal-pada-menu.html Info Hari Ini: Membuat Menu http://www.infohariini.co.cc/2008/10/membuat-menu-horizontal.html Membuat Menu Horizontal - http://www.imtikhan.co.cc/2010/04/membuat-menu-horizontal.html Samino - Kelebihan Opera http://my.opera.com/samino0809/blog/kelebihan-opera-mini-4-2 Andy's blog: Haier C700 Smart Modem http://tkjandy.blogspot.com/2009/10/haier-c700-smart-modem-dengan-facebook.html

Rabu, 01 September 2010


Langsung aja yah

1. Alexa
Buka http://www.alexa.com/siteowner/widgets kemudian isikan situs kamu pada salah satu from, terus build widget. Akan muncul beberapa widget alexa situs kamu. Yang harus didapatkan disini adalah url dan gambarnya. Untuk mendapatkan urlnya kamu lihat di text area dan copy urlnya. Untuk mendapatkan gambarnya, lihat gambar di sampingnya, arahkan kursor opera mini kamu ke gambar, tekan angka 1 pilih open image, dan copy url gambarnya dan gabungkan dengan url yang sudah dicopy tadi. Kemudian ubahlah menjadi bbcode lihat di nav. Menu saya jika ingin melihat hasilnya.

2. google PR
Sedangkan untuk memasang button google PR di mywapblog itu kodenya didapat dari www.prchecker.info karena kode yang dihasilkan adalah kode html non java script jadi bisa di customisasi ke bbcode, contohnya lihat di nav. Menu saya. Hmm..